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Alt 03.06.2004, 05:24   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 1 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Nitro Cheat V2.10


How to work the hack :

1. Unzip/rar The hack to anywhere you like
2. Goto the directory of where the hack is
3. Double click on Nitro Cheat v2.10.exe
4. Then press load hack
5. Go onto a counter-strike server
6. Where on server press the END key
7. Now your hack is on have fun!


Features :

Go Aiming (goaiming)
Inverse aiming (inverse/inv_aim)
Sound Esp (sounddisplay)
Ltfxspeed (ltfxspeed)
Faster Aimbot (Normal Cvar Aim 1) (Faster Than Before)
Advanced Menu (Delete Key)
Healthmeter (healthmeter)
Armormeter (armormeter)
mystatsbox (mystatsbox)
recoilswitch (recoil_switch)
Avadd 5 (avadd 5)

There are alot more extra things as well!
You may notice some other things


How to work GoAiming

Please type gosetup into console before using goaiming!
When You have typed that type goaiming 1
Then you have acivated goaiming
You do not need vecs for goaiming There already in dll


How to work inverse aiming

Type inv_setup into the console
Then you type inv_aim 1
Now inverse aiming is now on using the vecs
In inv_aim.cfg ( You may edit the vecs as you wish )


How to work Sound Esp

Sound esp Should already be on when You start the hack
If it\'s not please type soundsetup
Now sound ESP Will be on


How to work Ltfxspeed

(You should only use this if you got a high processer
Over AMD +2600)

To use it as Manual Speed I have made the alias as
+manual2 , Lets say You want to speed when you press
Shift You type in hack console bind \"rshift\" \"+manual2\"


Main Credit Section :

[JAPS]Sherby (Myself) / Making the tweek
[JAPS]G3NoCiD3 / Making some of base
[JAPS]NiNjA / Making some of base
Joolz / Making the base in the first place

Other type of credits :

[JAPS]General-Jap / You did a great job of making [JAPS]
XOD / You allways were a mate and supported me
[JAPS]Luxi / You make wicked vecs mate and helped me

Shoutouts :


And to all other [JAPS]


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Alt 10.06.2004, 20:51   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 2 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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der hack funzt bei mir nicht. Wenn ich in CS reingehe wird cs sofort geschlossen .. Woran liegt das?

Hab athlon xp 2600+
Radeon 9600 Pro

MFG: d!GGa
digganigga ist offline  

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Alt 11.06.2004, 00:34   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 3 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
*Pussy Walker*
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der Hack ist das geielste was es nur gibt an PUB hacks (nim ma die Stapeldatei und gehe dann cs)

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Alt 11.06.2004, 17:33   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 4 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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ist leider detectet *heule*


Naja bestimmt kommt ein andere nochma raus :P
TurkishFighter ist offline  

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Alt 17.06.2004, 20:57   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 5 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Zitat von digganigga
der hack funzt bei mir nicht. Wenn ich in CS reingehe wird cs sofort geschlossen .. Woran liegt das?

Hab athlon xp 2600+
Radeon 9600 Pro

MFG: d!GGa
Ich habe auch das Problem! was genau kann ich da machen?
Gord0n ist offline  

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Alt 17.06.2004, 21:42   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 6 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Kann mir wer sagen was goaiming is?
-PrO- ist offline  

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