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Alt 20.04.2004, 12:35   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 1 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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       Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr !!! 
    VAC Bannt wohl per Zufallsprinzip !? 
       |   VAC Proof @20.04.2004    |
       |                            |         
       |             4              |   
       |                            |  
       |     CS 1.6 & CZ       |  
       |                            |  
       |  VAC Proof by ]![nferno    |
     _ |                            | _
    / )|   Thx 2 NAFEST & Subay     |( \
   / / |        Visit us @          | \ \
 _( (_ |                            | _) )_
(@(\ \>|_/->    www.spieletermine.de     <-\_|</ /)))
(\\ \_/ /______________________\ \_/ ////)
 \       /                        \       /
  \    _/                          \_    /
  /   /                              \   \
 /   /                                \   \

    -|Original made by [X-TEAM]-panzer- |-

-= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=- 
  - aimbot 
  - wallhack
  - removals (flash,smoke,sky,scope,recoil)
  - crosshair
  - lambert
  - custom offsets (view oglconf.cfg)
-= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=- 
  - CS:CZ      opengl32.dll and all *.cfg in dein
               &quot;..\Steam\SteamApps\user@domain\counter-strike&quot; Ordner
  - CS 1.6     opengl32.dll and all *.cfg in dein
               &quot;..\Steam\SteamApps\user@domain\counter-strike&quot; Ordner

  - CS 1.5     Mod:    Alle Dateien in dein &quot;Half-Life&quot; Ordner 
               Retail: Alle Dateien in dein &quot;Counter-Strike&quot; Ordner
-= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-
[align=center]1.6 - VAC Hacks [/align]
Mombana ist offline  

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Alt 20.04.2004, 12:42   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 2 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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I've made many friends through this place throughout the last few years and so, it's come to a time whereby I must confess something to you all - as a favour to those of you I've come to like a lot.

I am a senior member of the Steam VAC Detection Department.

We were established towards the end of January this year and have members - under the stewardship of Valve Software - scattered liberally around the most common cheat and hack sites as well as in common cheating clans such as myg0t. You will know many of these members as, until now, we've operated in complete secrecy (as bound in the terms of our contract). We count three ex-hack coders amongst our ranks, each of whom you will definitely all have heard of - especially in the case of one who will be ultra-familiar to visitors of this very site.

I can no longer keep this facade in place and have sought permission from my superiors to release this information and confession so that I may leave my friends here behind with a clear conscience and commit more of my time, skills and resources to this new and exciting anti-cheat project.

The aim of our group is to create an uber-VAC i.e a higher level of cheat protection for which GSPs and server administrators must pay a small extra fee. In return they will receive almost instantly-updated cheat protection based on cheats farmed from sites like this one almost as soon as they are released (and beforehand as has been the case over the last week or so thanks to another team member's good work).

I am responsible for the recent VAC detection of the OGC-RE series of hacks and the leaking to Valve software of other pertinent cheat-related data gleaned from some of my friends here and in the upper echelons of the OGC community.

My assistance was invaluable and for this I apologise to those I love and respect for removing their fun and the very reason they continue to be a part of the CS community.

The normal - blue - level of VAC will remain in place when our new product is available and will happily continue with it's newly updated random detection pattern technology - that will be difficult to defeat with any sort of longevity in mind.

So, to those that know me well I apologise for being the rat within for so long but I feel as though I've finally found somewhere within this community I belong and somewhere where I am justly rewarded for my skills and aptitudes. I am, at last, challenged to further myself and my skills.

Thank you all and I, like my colleagues, will be here still...watching and waiting.

Please everyone remember that cheats will never ever prosper and those who play the game in the manner in which it is intended, will prevail above all else.

God bless you all.
Mombana ist offline  

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Alt 20.04.2004, 14:45   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 3 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
nRw | Cr3w ` S4v4s
Beiträge: n/a

Ne lass mal vom panzer habe ich die schnautze gestrichen voll
ích brauch mein key noch


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Alt 20.04.2004, 15:04   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 4 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Original von spieletermine|S4v4s
Ne lass mal vom panzer habe ich die schnautze gestrichen voll
ích brauch mein key noch

Fuck u und steck dir deine Kommentare sonstwohin alter !
Mombana ist offline  

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Alt 20.04.2004, 15:44   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 5 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Original von ]![nferno
       Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr !!! 
    VAC Bannt wohl per Zufallsprinzip !? 
       |   VAC Proof @20.04.2004    |
       |                            |         
       |             4              |   
       |                            |  
       |     CS 1.6 & CZ       |  
       |                            |  
       |  VAC Proof by ]![nferno    |
     _ |                            | _
    / )|   Thx 2 NAFEST & Subay     |( \
   / / |        Visit us @          | \ \
 _( (_ |                            | _) )_
(@(\ \>|_/->    www.spieletermine.de     <-\_|</ /)))
(\\ \_/ /______________________\ \_/ ////)
 \       /                        \       /
  \    _/                          \_    /
  /   /                              \   \
 /   /                                \   \

    -|Original made by [X-TEAM]-panzer- |-

-= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=- 
  - aimbot 
  - wallhack
  - removals (flash,smoke,sky,scope,recoil)
  - crosshair
  - lambert
  - custom offsets (view oglconf.cfg)
-= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=- 
  - CS:CZ      opengl32.dll and all *.cfg in dein
               &quot;..\Steam\SteamApps\user@domain\counter-strike&quot; Ordner
  - CS 1.6     opengl32.dll and all *.cfg in dein
               &quot;..\Steam\SteamApps\user@domain\counter-strike&quot; Ordner

  - CS 1.5     Mod:    Alle Dateien in dein &quot;Half-Life&quot; Ordner 
               Retail: Alle Dateien in dein &quot;Counter-Strike&quot; Ordner
-= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-  -= Fuck VAC ;)=-
[align=center]1.6 - VAC Hacks [/align]
Am besten ist -= Fuck VAC =- -= Fuck VAC =- -= Fuck VAC =- -= Fuck VAC =- -= Fuck VAC =- aber da kann ich nur zustimmen !!
Cole ist offline  

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Alt 20.04.2004, 20:24   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 6 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
nRw | Cr3w ` S4v4s
Beiträge: n/a

nur lol

mehr sag ich ned dazu!

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Alt 20.04.2004, 20:30   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 7 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Original von ]![nferno
Original von spieletermine|S4v4s
Ne lass mal vom panzer habe ich die schnautze gestrichen voll
ích brauch mein key noch

Fuck u und steck dir deine Kommentare sonstwohin alter !

inferno normal sollteste bissl vorbild sein? un net savas nieder machen....
niveaulos meiner meinung nach :/

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Alt 20.04.2004, 20:30   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 8 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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hat den schon jemand getestet?
Schiller ist offline  

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Alt 20.04.2004, 20:38   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 9 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Original von ]![nferno
Original von spieletermine|S4v4s
Ne lass mal vom panzer habe ich die schnautze gestrichen voll
ích brauch mein key noch

Fuck u und steck dir deine Kommentare sonstwohin alter !
Bleib mal locker und lass S4v4s in ruhe, ja?
Dein Kommentar war ja wohl eher der größte Schrott, und wenn Savas die User warnen will das VAC momentan wohl schnell aus einem Secure hack schnell unsecure hack macht, dann soll das so sein.

edewulf ist offline  

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Alt 21.04.2004, 12:37   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 10 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Was wollt ihr mir erzählen ??? Ich hab schon mei ne Gründe gehabt für diesen Wutausbruch ! Kümmert euch um eure Wortwahl dann habt ihr genug zutun... @TheEvil ich sag nur s!lent & PN

Das war sowieso das letzte mal das ich was Public gemacht hab von den Hex Hacks
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