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Alt 17.04.2004, 23:43   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 21 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Original von DaRK-SwAT
aber das ist englisch!und ich aknn ned gut englisch
Kannste das nicht gleich sagen ? Kopiere die Readme von deinem Hack und füge den Text dann wieder hier rein und ich übersetze es Dir.
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Alt 17.04.2004, 23:44   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 22 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Also pass auf, du gehst in Dein Windows Verzeichniss, und löschst als erstes mal folgende Dateien :


dann musst Du den Rechner runterfahren .... und wenn Du neu startest ist alles Gut
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Alt 17.04.2004, 23:44   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 23 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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So du enpackst die .zip vom Slay0r in irgendeinen ordner. Es geht auch aufm Desktop.

Dann öffnest du die exe (notepad) und connectest auf einen server!

Das ist doch wohl nicht schwer oder?
Und such dir einen Server wo kein VAc und CD drauf ist.
in HLSW steht dann bei cheatingtools: none

es gibt schon paar server wo nichts drauf ist.

aber irgendwie kommt es mir so vor,als ob uns hier jemand verarschen will.

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Alt 17.04.2004, 23:45   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 24 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Slay0r v3.41
Plough, in membership with Planet Mayhem (PM.Inc), presents Slay0r. Slay0r is a hack that started out as a simple OpenGL hack and has evolved into a fully featured hybrid cheat. Please click on the following links below for details and installation instructions.

This beta is just a small fix really for the steam update. Nothing big has changed or been added.
This is "bare bones" at the moment as I hate doing commandmenu.txt :P and I like people to tweak Slay0r. So have a look on Planet Mayhem and find a nice tweak to use when some come out and have fun

[-] Details - (Slay0r)


Creator: Plough
Version: 3.41
Released: 11.03.04
[+] Introduction - (current release)


Developed by Plough
Code and help from OGC and Game-Deception
Currently supports Counter-Strike 1.6, Counter-Strike 1.5 and Counter-Strike:Condition Zero
Tested in: Counter-Strike 1.6 and Counter-Strike 1.5
OS: 2k/XP
[+] Installation - (current release)


Extract the content of slay0r.zip into any folder other then the Steam & CStrike directories.
Double click Slay0r V3.exe to enable the loading process.
Enter game as normal
You will need OpenGL Mode to use Slay0r, go to Options -> Video -> Mode -> OpenGL (Default Drivers)
The hack is automatically activated, use the keys below to control
[+] Directions - (current release)

Key Effect
Mouse Wheel/Up Down Arrows
Mouse Left/Left Arrow
Mouse Right/Right Arrow Slay0r console toggle
Menu toggle
Move menu option up and down
Change selected option
Move menu option back

[+] Features - (current release)


hlh and zqz2 style aiming on mouse 1,2 and 3
Target Selection
Bot FOV (10-360 degrees)
Auto Wall
Auto Pistol Shoot
Full Vec system
Color hud
Diffrent Crosshars
xqz2, and trans walls OpenGL wallhacks
Fullbright, no sky, nightmode, lambert, white walls and wireframe
Overview map
3rd person view
Weapon, Distance, Player names, and boxes ESP
Player glow and wireframes
Target and Visible Glow
Bunny hop
Speed hack
Anti-Flash and smoke
Say stats
Winamp Support (2-5)
Winamp ingame play list
Save & Load settings
Bomb Timer
Anti zoom
Sniper blackout remove
Auto switch to pistol
Friends List
Sequence esp
Sequence aiming
[+] Change Log Beta 4.1



Added Reload esp
Added support for $ var's with avadd

Added cvar: esp_reload
Bug Fixes:


Fixed for steam update
[+] Change Log Beta 4



Added cs 1.5 support
Added overview map
Added radar blink
Added anti zoom
Added 2 new crosshairs
Added sniper blackout remove
Added auto switch to pistol
Added winamp ingame play list
Added conc font
Added esp height
Added ballhack
Added "&&", "||" and "else" to if statments
Added Friends List
Added Binds, Vars and Friends to save
Added Special alias [t] for target change
Added Special alias [l] for loop
Added Sequence esp
Added Sequence aiming
Added "inc" and "dec" for 2 and 4 number cvar's
Added "int", "double" and "string" for making var's

Added cvar's: pistol_switch, sniper, antizoom, esp_blink, esp_seq, spread, friends, friend_c, winamp_listchange, Winamp_path, esp_ball, esp_height, font, font_special, font_c1 and font_c2
Added commands: wgetlist, wplaylist, addfriend, delfriend, listfriends, int, double, string, listints, listdoubles, liststrings
Added var's: $target.name, $target.weapon, $target.ping, $target.dist, $target.team, $target.seq, $me.slot1, $me.slot2, $me.clip, $me.clip1, $me.clip2, $player0 to 20, $frind0 to 20 and $wa.list0 to $wa.list20

Changed zoom method
Changed hud color method
Changed commandmenu.txt
Changed NoSpread
Changed Loader
Bug Fixes:


Fixed vec problem with standing and ducking
Fixed statsme bug
Fixed $map bug
Fixed Steam update
[+] Change Log Beta 3.1



Added $cvar's $ var's
Added $ var's to menu
Added inc <num> for cvar's
Added dec <num> for cvar's
Added change for cvar's
Changed menu
Bug Fixes:


Fixed esp+aim model bug
[+] Change Log Beta 3



Added $version $ var
Added target lock
Added pistol auto shoot
Added auto wall
Bug Fixes:


Fixed aim bind problem
Fixed zoom blackout
[+] Change Log Beta 2.5



Added $ vars
Added [k] [d] [w] [m] [s] alias
Added playing time
Added esp text
Added if statments
Added double kills
Added cs:cz support
Bug Fixes:


Fixed aim at own team bug
Fixed for new Steam update
[+] Change Log Beta 2



Added avdraw
Added menu binds
Added target glow
Added visible glow
Added adjuster able radar
Added adjuster able menu
Added adjuster able ESP text lenght
Added customize able colors
Added smoke remove
Added panic key
Added new siground alias feature
Added later command
Added aspeed
Bug Fixes:


Fixed bhop
Fixed binds/key
Fixed some scripting problems
Fixed most crash bugs (i hope :S)
[+] Change Log Beta 1



First public release
[+] Credits


Slay0r was developed by Plough.
Beta tested by Czar, Armond, Enigma & Alcohol.
Readme put together by JenOcide, Armond, & LunarEclipse.
Additional support by T0AD, Kane, & Gothtec.
Joolz - The main man. Joolzcheat and Metacheat.
Dev Tracker Team - Slappy, Snipedown, roady, & Warthog.
JenOcide - Kick ass loader picture.
OGC - as always
Game-Deception - sweet site and forums.
Amir - gaitsequence idea.
[+] Agreement


All Information Copyright © PlanetMayhem.org
Everything that is downloaded from Planetmayhem.org is for educational purposes only.
All materials, information, products & services included on Planet Mayhem, are provided "AS IS", with no warranties whatsoever.
Planet Mayhem expressly disclaims to the fullest extent permitted by law all express, implied, and statutory warranties.
Planet Mayhem disclaims any warranties for services or goods received through or advertised on Planet Mayhem.
If you did not download this file from PlanetMayhem.org report the leeches to: Admin@PlanetMayhem.org.

Online Readme and Change Log
Slay0r Forums
DaRK-SwAT ist offline  

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Alt 17.04.2004, 23:51   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 25 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Original von leo-gecko
So du enpackst die .zip vom Slay0r in irgendeinen ordner. Es geht auch aufm Desktop.

Dann öffnest du die exe (notepad) und connectest auf einen server!

Das ist doch wohl nicht schwer oder?
Und such dir einen Server wo kein VAc und CD drauf ist.
in HLSW steht dann bei cheatingtools: none

es gibt schon paar server wo nichts drauf ist.

aber irgendwie kommt es mir so vor,als ob uns hier jemand verarschen will.
welcher server wenn ich notepat datei mit was soll ic die datei öfnen??
DaRK-SwAT ist offline  

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Alt 17.04.2004, 23:51   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 26 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Original von DaRK-SwAT
Slay0r v3.41

Extract the content of slay0r.zip into any folder other then the Steam & CStrike directories.
Double click Slay0r V3.exe to enable the loading process.
Enter game as normal
You will need OpenGL Mode to use Slay0r, go to Options -> Video -> Mode -> OpenGL (Default Drivers)
The hack is automatically activated, use the keys below to control
[+] Directions - (current release)

Key Effect
Mouse Wheel/Up Down Arrows
Mouse Left/Left Arrow
Mouse Right/Right Arrow Slay0r console toggle
Menu toggle
Move menu option up and down
Change selected option
Move menu option back

[+] Features - (current release)

- slay0r.zip entpscken (nicht in den Steam / CS Oedner)
- Slay0r V3.exe doppelklicken
- OpenGL Mode einschalten, Options -> Video -> Mode -> OpenGL (Default Drivers)
- Spiel starten

Tasten Effekt
Mouse Wheel/Up Down Arrows
Mouse Left/Left Arrow
Mouse Right/Right Arrow Slay0r console toggle
Menu toggle
Move menu option up and down
Change selected option
Move menu option back
Mombana ist offline  

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Alt 17.04.2004, 23:54   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 27 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Ich schwöre der verscheissert euch Das hab ich als Anti ja schon kapiert
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