Jooo so gerade eben ist Joolz neuer Hack rausgekommen....Soll wohl CD sicher sein, ich jedoch bekomme Code 31 ?( ....naja vielleicht schafft ihr es ja und könntet mir dann evtl. helfen...stelle ihn mal zum DL bereit...hoffe ich darf das :-/
features:colors your HUD purple, give you a cross hair.. and show your XYZ position on the map it even as Bunny Hop! joolz msg: "(Unzip it somewhere and run the exe. The .ini file has to be in the directory with the .exe.It ONLY works with CS1.5 and CS1.6 (with CS1.5 make sure you use Gamespy to launch your game). You 'may' experience Code24 or Code8. If you do, it might be down to drivers and it'll be fixed soon, so don't worry. REMEMBER! this is only a prototype! NOTE: for CS1.5 you MUST have DoD installed. I haven't done the offsets for when DoD isn't installed. Sorry! "