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Alt 13.03.2003, 16:14   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 1 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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After reading through the board of UnitedAdmins, I have to clear two things up.

Firstly, I want to stress that OGC was not (and will never be) involved and in any flooding targeted against UA, as at least one thread in their board was claiming. We were subject to floods, too. However, our servers seemed to handle it better

Secondly, the `Cheating-Death` development team around [DRS]Hullu seems to have major problems after they have included the detection of our OpenGL Hack v2.6 into their C-D v2.3.0. The problems are caused by the special GL-hook method, used in our GLhack. It digs deep into the GL-system, which causes C-D`s detection to class 3dfx, ATI, and some GeForce drivers as `modification` (C-D Codes 32 and 33). Furthermore, some sound-drivers are causing incompatibilities... UA`s board contains tons of reports regarding those problems, even after releasing v2.3.1 and v2.3.2 of their so-called `AntiCheat client`.

It`s (kind of) funny to see that UA is actually telling the C-D users to turn off MSN Messenger, Firewalls and Anti-Virus software while playing with C-D! After all, those applications are actually good for something ... so as long as the C-D dev team cannot create a working AntiCheat, people have to play with insecure systems? Hail UA!

The next generation of cheats will require much more skill in order to be detected, to say the least! For example, the next hook-method of our GLhack will dig even deeper into the system, but working for everyone who can use OpenGL (at the moment, some drivers make problems). If that method turns out to be reliable, I will pack it into a seperate component so any developer can use it without knowing how it actually hooks.

Time will tell whether the C-D dev-team will keep putting code-snippets together or learn how to code!
So, there`s not much left for anti-cheaters except claiming that cheaters are beaten, when - in fact - cheats like our GLhack are causing many many problems even after they have been detected.

Kann das wer überstzen, Danke !!
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Alt 13.03.2003, 16:19   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 2 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Original geschrieben von bunny

even after releasing v2.3.1 and v2.3.2 of their so-called `AntiCheat client`.

It`s (kind of) funny to see that UA is actually telling the C-D users to turn off MSN Messenger, After all, those applications are actually good for something
MSN ? Good ? ROFL (;9
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Alt 13.03.2003, 17:23   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 3 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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Original geschrieben von bunny

After reading through the board of UnitedAdmins, I have to clear two things up.

Firstly, I want to stress that OGC was not (and will never be) involved and in any flooding targeted against UA, as at least one thread in their board was claiming. We were subject to floods, too. However, our servers seemed to handle it better

Secondly, the `Cheating-Death` development team around [DRS]Hullu seems to have major problems after they have included the detection of our OpenGL Hack v2.6 into their C-D v2.3.0. The problems are caused by the special GL-hook method, used in our GLhack. It digs deep into the GL-system, which causes C-D`s detection to class 3dfx, ATI, and some GeForce drivers as `modification` (C-D Codes 32 and 33). Furthermore, some sound-drivers are causing incompatibilities... UA`s board contains tons of reports regarding those problems, even after releasing v2.3.1 and v2.3.2 of their so-called `AntiCheat client`.

It`s (kind of) funny to see that UA is actually telling the C-D users to turn off MSN Messenger, Firewalls and Anti-Virus software while playing with C-D! After all, those applications are actually good for something ... so as long as the C-D dev team cannot create a working AntiCheat, people have to play with insecure systems? Hail UA!

The next generation of cheats will require much more skill in order to be detected, to say the least! For example, the next hook-method of our GLhack will dig even deeper into the system, but working for everyone who can use OpenGL (at the moment, some drivers make problems). If that method turns out to be reliable, I will pack it into a seperate component so any developer can use it without knowing how it actually hooks.

Time will tell whether the C-D dev-team will keep putting code-snippets together or learn how to code!
So, there`s not much left for anti-cheaters except claiming that cheaters are beaten, when - in fact - cheats like our GLhack are causing many many problems even after they have been detected.

Kann das wer überstzen, Danke !!
Nachdem ich ein bisschen im UA board gelesen habe muss ich 2 dinge klären!!

Als 1. möchte ich klären das OGC nie an flood aktionen beteiligt war oder auch sein wird,wie mind. 1 thread behauptet hat.
Wir wurden ebenfalls opfer eine attack.Anscheinend kam unser Server besser damit klar.

Als 2. scheint das CD team von [DRS]Hullu massive probleme zu haben seit sie die Erkennung für unseren Open GLHack v2.6 in ihren CDv2.3.0 aufgenommen haben.

Kein bock mehr zu übersetzen später vielleicht...

Den rest übersetze ich frei :
Die habe probleme mit der speziellen neuen mehtode von OGC weil die so tief im source sitzt...
Sie wollen die mehtode noch weiter verbessern...
CD meinte man soll Anti-Vir , Firewall msn abschalten wenn man damit zoggt, weil die probleme mit der erkennung der modifikation haben...
ICh glaube gelesen zu haben das manche treiber so gar als cheat erkannt werden...
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Alt 13.03.2003, 23:20   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 4 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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es ist echt nich zu fassen wie weit die eigentlich alle gehen würden um alle cheater zu fassen! nur doof ist dass die auch die anti-cheater als cheater erkannt werden und so die technik sinnlos wäre! na werden wir noch sehn, dagegen wird's doch hoffentlich auch was geben! (;7

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Alt 14.03.2003, 09:56   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 5 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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@ Bejita : du sprichst immer von "wir" und "unseren" ... sorry aber was hast du damit zu tun ??
NoXoN ist offline  

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Alt 14.03.2003, 13:36   Direktlink zum Beitrag - 6 Zum Anfang der Seite springen
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also es wird ja keiner gebannt, also werden nur ein paar arme schweine auch von der anticheaterszene nicht zocken können. es ist aber schon lange bekannt, das ca 5% der spieler nicht mit cheating death spielen können. vielleicht auch ein grund warum kein bannsystem eingeführt wird, obwohl man eigentlich die cheats schon als cheats erkennen könnte. abwarten wenn das neue system da ist (;1
fickmodus ist offline  

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